Evaluation mode

I am having aproblem getting Schope out of evaluation mode.The computer I have it on does not access the internet.Can you guys give me a little help please?

If your studio computer doesn’t have internet access, then just copy the .key file you receive on your emailed receipt to a USB thumb drive or other removable media and take it to your studio computer to follow the remainder of the instructions.


I copied the key over and it doesn’t leave the evaluation mode.What am I doing wrong?

for schOPE, the file MUST be named 47225SCHP.key …nothing else. If you have saved the correct file with the correct name and put it in the same folder as the plugin itself, it WILL work.

Send me a copy of the key file, along with your SWREG order number, and I’ll get make sure the key file is valid. You can send it to scott at stillwellaudio dot com.


I sent everything to him.I’m just waiting on his reply.

Received. The key file was saved as 47225SCHP.key.txt…at least in the email I received. This would definitely prevent the key from being found. It MUST be named 47225SCHP.key
