HELP!! Olga Registration has failed!!

Hello - I’ve just registered my demo version of Olga (PC) and obtained the licence. I’ve saved the file ( 47225-OLGA.key ) in the same place as the .dll file (C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins ) yet when I open Olga it’s still saying it’s not registered.

What do I need to do? Please help!

Many thanks


I just pulled a copy of the registration file and tested it here…it works fine. Are you sure that:

A) You only have one copy of the .DLL and that there isn’t another in a different directory that’s getting loaded?

B) The file is REALLY named 47225-OLGA.key…and not 47225-OLGA.key.txt or something similar?

C) The file’s contents haven’t been modified?

Because it really should be working, and there’s a limited number of things that could possibly go wrong. If you’re sure that everything is as it should be, please send a copy of the key file you received to either schwa at stillwellaudio dot com or scott at stillwellaudio dot com.
