Support? Knowledgebase? POWER!

Our official support pages are here:

And there’s a knowledge base that contains the most critical information you’ll find here in the FAQ section of the forum, in an easier-to-read format - better signal-to-noise ratio, as it were.

You can use the support ticket system without creating an account - you’ll just use your email address and the ticket number to log in, but it’s a lot easier to use the interface if you just go ahead and create an account. We apologize for not being able to link your forum accounts to the ticket system - you’ll have to create a separate account. We’ll work on making that possible when we get some time.

NOTE: If you send email to support at stillwellaudio dot com, info at stillwellaudio dot com, or licensing at stillwellaudio dot com…you’re creating a ticket in the ticket system as well. Just depends on how you wish to use it…both ways work.